art gallery


A photo project featuring the performance Artist Sabrina Stutz and photographer David Shilham captures the essence of the connection with nature.


The Transformation of a life

vulnerable, raw and authentic


The transformation from the egg, to the butterfly. The uncomfortable stages in life that contribute to our development and trough which we can grow. This is a deeply personal and profound art project for me - showing myself vulnerable and strong. Illustrating how it`s possible to transform one's life, feelings and mindset. You can not change where you come from, but where you go is in your hands.


"In February 2023, as I stepped gently into the cold waters of Lanzarote, I focused on my breathing. I greeted the small snails sharing the little pool with me, feeling the raw stone against my belly as it moved in harmony with my breath. In that moment I became one with everything around me. Performing in nature and connecting with the source embodies true freedom to me, bringing a profound sense of peace. I cherish the little adventures of exploring new spots and feeling the energy of each place. Finding my position amidst the stones, the water, and living beings, I breath deeply and let go. The process of letting go, surrender and becoming one living organisms - is an expression of my authentic self."



art for sale

Metamorphose : Egg

A series of images in collaboration with photographer David Shilham.

Metamorphosis - transformation of a life.


Size A1

594mm x 841mm


CHF 480.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1

Metamorphose : Caterpillar

A series of images in collaboration with photographer David Shilham.

Metamorphosis - transformation of a life.


Size A2

420 x 594mm


CHF 360.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1

Metamorphose : Cocoon

A series of images in collaboration with photographer David Shilham.

Metamorphosis - transformation of a life.


Size A2

420 x 594mm


CHF 360.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1

Metamorphose : Butterfly

A series of images in collaboration with photographer David Shilham.

Metamorphosis - transformation of a life.


Size A1

594mm x 841mm


CHF 480.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1

Flower Warrior

A series of images in collaboration with photographer David Shilham.


Size A1

594 x 841 mm


CHF 480.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1

We are one

A series of images in collaboration with photographer David Shilham.


Size A1

594 x 841 mm


CHF 480.00

  • verfügbar
  • 5 - 8 Tage Lieferzeit1

All Photographs taken by David Shilham.

Performance Artist and Concept Sabrina Stutz.


All rights belong to David Shilam and Sabrina Stutz.




Photo Credits

David Shilham 

Sabrina Stutz